Am I a Writer Now?
Nestled in a little cottage by the sea, Elizabeth Bond spends her days writing or thinking about writing. In this piece she reflects on the lessons learned in a creative writing course and discusses the various approaches to writing.

Food and Stories, and the Memories They Create
In this feature, Amy Minichiello shares her familial love of baking. This is a tender read that begs the question, how do we feed our ancestral memory? She is attempting to answer this query through her new project Recipes in the Mail. Read along to find out more.

The Life of a Words’seamstress
In this feature, self-identified late bloomer, Corinne Ernault, breathes truth into the complicated journey we all face when confronting our creativity head-on. Corinne records with subtlety and beauty, the unflinching bravery that befalls the need to create.